Making Friends

When encountering other creatures – be it dogs or cats or squirrels or whatever – a guide dog must remain neutral. He can’t let himself (or herself) get excited – either in a positive way or a negative way.  As a puppy raiser it’s part of my job to give Donnie opportunities to meet and greet lots of different beings so that they will become “old hat” to him. No big deal about the big dog coming my way! No big deal if I see my best buddy across the room! No big deal if that cat wants me to chase it. Donnie needs to be above all of that.

He also needs to know how to interact with other dogs. Nicely.  So we plan pay dates with friends.

Pointer friend Heidi

Little friend Lobo.

Big friend Benjamin

Benjamin was not real impressed with Donnie and Donnie was a bit afraid of Benjamin. Donnie likes to talk Smack with bigger dogs – whether strangers or good friends. Other dogs find this rude.

Hiking buddy Juniper. This is a great way to get to know another dog. Just out walking.

Canine Companions for Independence puppy in training Marina. Marina is a little bit older and a little bit bigger, but they got on great together.

Best Bud, Carver. Carver is 2 weeks older than Donnie, but they have spent a lot of time together and they are quite tight. 

And then there are the “home” buddies –

Walker has finally gotten pretty comfortable with the little guy. But Donnie does get in his face talking that Smack. Walker and I both find it quite irritating.

And Wally the cat has learned  that the best way to deal with the little gangster is to be oblivious to his attentions. Donnie pulled this bed around the room for a bit before he finally decided to just give it up.

So, Donnie has a lot to learn about polite social interactions, but he’s learning.


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